Well first I'd like to apologize for taking so long to review this. I needed to find the time you know?
Definitely worth a review and 5. Absolutely wonderful atmosphere you pull off with this tune. Simple guitar part fits wonderfully.
Amazing background pads and atmosphere effects in there. It practically makes the song. Bass sounds swell and bassy.
Is that you singing with a lot of reverb on it, or just a choir-like patch? Sounds like some cool reverse effects on those pads as well.
The drums sound very good in this. Some really good diverse patterns and samples in there. My only real problem with them are that the samples sound a bit plain. But I suppose it fits well with this kind of song.
Another small problem I had with this song is some peaking in one of the pads really got to my ears at times.
Overall another amazing brainchild of the wonderful pitbulljones.(lolwutfux)